Posts with the tag “grace”

On Justification through Faith Alone in Christ Alone
by Trevor Bates on July 19th, 2024
Justification is, as I see it in Scripture, the legal declaration that righteousness has been imputed and guilt pardoned. Such righteousness is imputed through Christ’s work on our behalf, and such guilt is pardoned through the very same work: Christ’s atoning sacrifice - that is, His substitutionary death in our stead as He took our sin to Calvary’s cross and then to the grave.  Read More
The Priest’s War
by Austin Rouse on June 7th, 2024
The time is nye, Christian soldier, for you to take up your priestly garments, the armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18), and your sharpened sword (Heb. 4:12), and to begin your faithful charge on those weakened and crumbling walls.  Read More
Faith Cometh: First Mention Basics of Faith Pt. 2
by Conrad Murrell on May 24th, 2024
God designed salvation so that the very receiving of the gift would also come of grace. Faith therefore is a duty wholly without merit within itself. One can never boast in his faith. It is the least any man is obliged to do, and anything less is manifest wickedness in unbelief.  Read More
Joining with Creation: Why Your Praise Matters to God
by Travis Lee on May 15th, 2024
God is not lacking praise. Let us not forget that mankind is unique among all of creation. The Lord crafted you in a special way as a vessel of worship. So let us join with creation, worshiping Him as the premiere instrument of His praise.  Read More
The Pastor and His Bible
by Allen S. Nelson IV on May 10th, 2024
The pastor of a local church is also the worship leader of the church. While there may be someone else leading in songs, the ultimate leader of the congregation’s worship is the pastor or pastors of the church.  Read More
Why Do We Struggle with Self-Control?
by Joe Pliska on May 6th, 2024
The lack of self-control is the root of so many everyday sins. Why is self-control such a difficult virtue for mankind to master? That's the question, is it not?   Read More