Posts with the category “christian-living”

The Privilege of Knowing God Truly
by Joel Riaz on September 16th, 2024
The greatest privilege for humans is the opportunity to know God, but we neither deem this to be a privilege nor do we find this to be something for which our hearts should yearn.  Read More
Understanding the Law: Part II
by Austin Rouse on September 6th, 2024
The underlying principles of the Law are derived from the God who gave them. At Sinai, Moses did not come to write the Law after many days considering the natural order of the world. He did not create or stumble upon it. The Law was given and commanded to Moses by God (Ex. 20:1).  Read More
Five Minutes for the Imago Dei
by Joseph L. Hamrick III on September 4th, 2024
All of life is lived before the face of God. That means even the conversations and debates we have can be acts of worship lifted to God in prayer.  Read More
Rest In Christ
by Stephen Belk on September 2nd, 2024
What we must understand, as followers of Christ, is that we are commanded by God to rest. How do we understand what rest really is when we are not raised in a culture of rest?  Read More
Understanding the Law: Part I
by Austin Rouse on July 26th, 2024
There is perhaps no other Biblical subject that confuses and confounds Christians more than that of the Mosaic Law and its applicability today.  Read More
Children: The Best Bible School for Adults
by Travis Lee on July 24th, 2024
In our society, we tend to sort people. Somewhere along the way, experts determined that learning works best when we are grouped by our age. It makes sense, does it not? Little kids like animal crackers, and teens like pizza, so why not lump them together with their own kind? And man, us parents! Is it not attractive to just let someone else look after our kids? You get some much-needed time to yourself. You can accomplish some of your own aspirations, and believe me, as a parent of several children, I get it.  Read More
Discovering Perfect Faithfulness
by Joel Riaz on July 23rd, 2024
Perfect faithfulness is neither seen nor an expected virtue from any child of Adam. We know and have experienced that no human can be perfectly faithful to another, no matter how hard one may attempt to be faithful. We can never achieve it and seldom obtain it.  Read More
On Justification through Faith Alone in Christ Alone
by Trevor Bates on July 19th, 2024
Justification is, as I see it in Scripture, the legal declaration that righteousness has been imputed and guilt pardoned. Such righteousness is imputed through Christ’s work on our behalf, and such guilt is pardoned through the very same work: Christ’s atoning sacrifice - that is, His substitutionary death in our stead as He took our sin to Calvary’s cross and then to the grave.  Read More
Dying Thoughts of a Godly Man
by Joseph L. Hamrick III on July 18th, 2024
Baxter's book is a sobering reminder that one day we all will die, some sooner than others. That much is a guarantee.  Read More
Remember Me
by Austin Rouse on July 17th, 2024
A more theological approach to the subject of memory would see it as a reflective aspect of God’s own omniscient character, though clearly incomplete and lacking.  Read More
What Laws Are We Supposed to Obey?
by Jacob Tanner on July 16th, 2024
My prayer for each person reading this is that you become obedient to God, first by trusting in Jesus through faith and being saved by Grace.  Read More
Is God For Us?
by Joseph L. Hamrick III on July 15th, 2024
God’s light and truth cannot be hindered. Though we are often in the dark, his light and truth continue to pierce the darkness of human hearts with the light of the gospel.  Read More
A Call To Action: Evangelism Lost in Discipleship
by Tom Sheppard on June 21st, 2024
In the heart of Christian discipleship lies the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19).  Read More
Worship Is a Time to Tear Things Up
by Travis Lee on June 17th, 2024
Worship is our moment to tear things up. It is our chance to rend our hearts before God.  Read More
A Living Sacrifice of Worship
by Stephen Belk on June 14th, 2024
In presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice to God, we find our path to joy and fulfillment in our lives. We were created for one reason: to worship and glorify God in all we do and say.  Read More
The Doctrine of Total Depravity and Some of Its Applications
by Joel Riaz on June 10th, 2024
The effect of sin on man was such that man is by nature completely devoid of any love for God, and that is why he does not seek Him.  Read More
The Priest’s War
by Austin Rouse on June 7th, 2024
The time is nye, Christian soldier, for you to take up your priestly garments, the armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18), and your sharpened sword (Heb. 4:12), and to begin your faithful charge on those weakened and crumbling walls.  Read More
Gentleness in Truth
by Joseph L. Hamrick III on June 3rd, 2024
To speak the truth, especially when unpopular, requires conviction. One must believe the truth is worth defending.  Read More
Faith Cometh: First Mention Basics of Faith Pt. 2
by Conrad Murrell on May 24th, 2024
God designed salvation so that the very receiving of the gift would also come of grace. Faith therefore is a duty wholly without merit within itself. One can never boast in his faith. It is the least any man is obliged to do, and anything less is manifest wickedness in unbelief.  Read More
What is the Point of the Bible?
by Allen S. Nelson IV on May 22nd, 2024
The Bible is not just a disconnected book of 66 individual and separate books. Rather, it is one book with one focused point.  Read More
Biblical Discernment and Why It Is Necessary
by Matthew Smith on May 20th, 2024
Being a discerning Christian is being a Christian who glorifies God. Discernment is a discipline every Christian must practice.  Read More
Christ is Worthy of a Healthy Church
by Allen S. Nelson IV on May 17th, 2024
Christ is worthy of a healthy church. Worship is not always about feeling happy. Read the psalms. But when we are convinced of the worthiness of the Christ we can worship, we will worship, even in the midst of the darkest night.  Read More
Joining with Creation: Why Your Praise Matters to God
by Travis Lee on May 15th, 2024
God is not lacking praise. Let us not forget that mankind is unique among all of creation. The Lord crafted you in a special way as a vessel of worship. So let us join with creation, worshiping Him as the premiere instrument of His praise.  Read More
Old Time Religion
by Claude Ramsey on May 8th, 2024
There is no example in history of a society maintaining a moral life without the aid of religion. Despite all the changes about us, we have not moved beyond “the faith once delivered unto the saints.” It is just as relevant now as it was then.  Read More
Why Do We Struggle with Self-Control?
by Joe Pliska on May 6th, 2024
The lack of self-control is the root of so many everyday sins. Why is self-control such a difficult virtue for mankind to master? That's the question, is it not?   Read More