Top 10 Christian Streaming Services for Faith-Based Content in 2025

Christian streaming services have grown significantly, offering faith-based content that ranges from theological resources to clean entertainment. Whether you're looking for Biblical theology, apologetics, or family-friendly programming, these platforms cater to a variety of needs. Below is a detailed list of the top 10 Christian streaming services we recommend, ranked based on their content diversity, theological depth, and overall value.

#1 | Bonafice Media | Robust Theological Content and Clean Entertainment

Bonafice Media takes the lead with its rich theological content and clean entertainment, curated specifically for the Biblical and Reformed community.

Key Features:

  • Diverse Content Library: Includes movies, TV shows, podcasts, eBooks, audiobooks, teaching series, music, and weekly comic strips (The Meeces).
  • Exclusive Content: Features Faith Cometh by Conrad Murrell, "Abortion-Free" Docuseries, The Creation Today Show with Eric Hovind, Night Brawlers by C.A. Stampley, Wall of Crosses by Baj Goodson, Spirit & Truth by Les Lanphere and more.
  • Family-Friendly Features: Every subscription offers family profiles for up to five members, offline viewing, and cross-device synchronization.
  • Non-Woke Content: A platform committed to biblically sound, counter-cultural media.
  • Collaborations: Partners with Spirit of Elijah Ministries, Broken Stone Studio, Brainy Pixel Productions, Nathan Anderson, Creation Today, and more.
  • Biblical Focus: Perfect for those seeking doctrinally accurate resources.

Bonafice Media stands out for its commitment to theological depth while providing engaging entertainment. Its robust library and Biblical focus make it the ultimate choice for Christians seeking to glorify God through their media consumption.

#2 | Canon Plus | Reformed Theology and Cultural Insight

Canon Plus offers a treasure trove of Reformed theology and cultural commentary. Its standout features include:

  • Exclusive Reformed Content: Offers a wide range of exclusive content from renowned Reformed authors and speakers, such as Douglas Wilson, Joe Rigney, and Joel Salatin, covering theology, Christian living, education, and culture.
  • Diverse Media Library: Includes audiobooks, lectures, sermons, and videos, providing resources for theological growth, cultural engagement, and practical Christian living.
  • Educational and Family-Friendly Resources: Features curated content for homeschooling families, including educational materials and resources for children, making it ideal for faith-based learning.
  • Access to Canon Press Authors and Works: Provides subscribers with access to popular books, series, and teachings from Canon Press’ extensive catalog, including new releases and classic works.

Canon Plus excels in robust theological content and a large library of diverse entertainment focusing on a smaller audience in the realm of Presbyterian Postmillennial Theonomy.

#3 | Apologia Studios | Apologetics and Cultural Engagement

Apologia Studios specializes in apologetics and cultural engagement, equipping Christians to defend their faith.

Key Features:

  • Apologetics-Focused Content: Offers debates, sermons, and shows addressing cultural and theological issues, equipping Christians to defend their faith effectively.
  • Popular Programs: Features engaging shows like Apologia Radio, Collision, and Sheologians that tackle modern cultural challenges from a biblical perspective.
  • Evangelism and Outreach: Provides resources and content to inspire and guide Christians in sharing the gospel and engaging in cultural transformation.
  • Theological Depth: Includes teachings and insights from respected Christian leaders like Jeff Durbin, focusing on Reformed theology and the application of Scripture to every area of life.

Apologia Studios is a must-have for those passionate about apologetics and evangelism.

#4 | G3+ | Equipping Believers with Sound Doctrine

G3+ is an excellent hub for theological training and church health.

Features include:
  • Doctrinally Sound Content: A rich library of sermons, teaching series, and resources focused on expository preaching and practical theology to equip believers with sound doctrine.
  • Exclusive Content: Works of Josh Buice, Virgil Walker, Sam Waldron, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, and other prominent Reformed Baptist voices.
  • Church Resources: Tools for pastors, leaders, and church members providing in-depth theological training and fellowship.
  • Confessional Alignment: Content shaped by the 1689 Baptist Confession.

G3+ is a strong resource for theological study geared toward a limited audience focused in the realm of Reformed Baptist Confessionalism.

#5 | Answers in Genesis | Apologetics and Creation Science, by Answers in Genesis, focuses on apologetics and creation science.

Highlights include:

  • Creation Science and Apologetics: A vast library of content focused on defending the biblical account of creation, including documentaries, lectures, and series that equip Christians to uphold the authority of Scripture.
  • Family-Friendly Programming: Safe and wholesome content for all ages, including kids’ shows, educational series, and family-friendly entertainment, ensuring a trusted viewing experience for households.
  • Diverse Content Offerings: Features teaching series, live events, behind-the-scenes footage, and interviews with leading Christian apologists and scientists, providing a wide range of educational and inspiring content.
  • On-Demand and Multi-Device Access: A user-friendly platform that allows subscribers to stream content anytime, anywhere, on various devices, ensuring flexibility and convenience for viewers. is excellent for apologetics and creation science making it a formidable leader in both subjects.

#6 | AGTV | Defending the True Gospel

AGTV delivers content centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ, offering resources that defend against false teachings.

Key Features:

  • Gospel-Centered Documentaries: Features powerful documentaries like the American Gospel series, which focus on defending the true gospel of Jesus Christ and exposing false teachings.
  • Theological Teaching Resources: Provides sermons, teaching series, and resources designed for personal or group study, equipping Christians with a clear understanding of biblical truth.
  • Doctrinal Integrity: Content is rooted in sound theology, addressing cultural distortions and presenting the gospel with clarity and conviction.

AGTV excels in presenting the gospel without compromise making them a trustworthy source in Gospel integrity and fidelity.

#7 | LOOR | Christian Creativity and Bold Storytelling

LOOR champions Christian creators with its focus on bold, original storytelling.

Key Features:

  • Crowdfunded Christian Content: empowers Christian creators by using a crowdfunding model to produce bold, original storytelling that challenges mainstream media narratives.
  • Unique and Bold Storytelling: Offers films, series, and documentaries that reflect Christian values while pushing creative boundaries, delivering content that is both faith-driven and engaging.
  • Direct Creator Support: Subscribers directly support content creators, fostering a community-driven approach to media production and ensuring that creators can produce uncompromised, high-quality Christian influenced content.
  • Faith-Centered Entertainment: Focuses on providing entertainment that aligns with biblical principles while addressing contemporary issues through creative and thought-provoking storytelling.

LOOR’s innovative approach is highly commendable. Its smaller library and particular niche focus makes them a unique streaming platform that is going places.

#8 | WG Universe | Faith Meets Urban Culture

WG Universe blends Christian faith with urban culture through music and media.

Key Features:

  • Urban Ministry Resources: Provides tools and media that engage urban communities with the gospel, blending faith with contemporary urban culture.
  • Faith-Based Apparel Integration: Offers a seamless connection between media content and Wrath & Grace’s faith-inspired apparel line, creating a holistic brand experience.
  • Cultural Engagement: Focuses on addressing cultural issues through a biblical lens, providing content that resonates with a younger, urban audience while staying rooted in Scripture.

Though the niche WG Universe is laser focused, Wrath and Grace excels in all that they do.

#9 | Theopolis Institute | Theology and Cultural Renewal

Theopolis Institute provides resources for Christians exploring theology, liturgy, and culture.

Key Features:

  • Biblical Theology and Liturgy Focus: Offers in-depth courses and resources that explore biblical theology, emphasizing the importance of liturgy and worship in the Christian life.
  • Cultural Renewal and Engagement: Provides tools and teachings aimed at equipping believers to engage and transform culture through a biblical worldview.
  • Educational Resources and Events: Hosts lectures, seminars, and workshops that delve into Scripture, theology, and the application of biblical principles in modern society.
  • Community of Thought Leaders: Features contributions from respected theologians and cultural thinkers who provide deep insights into the intersection of faith, worship, and culture.

Theopolis is an excellent source of resources for theological study and cultural engagement.

#10 | Faithlife TV | Biblical Study Meets Entertainment

Faithlife TV combines biblical study tools with family-friendly entertainment.

Key Features:

  • Biblical Study Resources: Offers a rich collection of documentaries, lectures, and teaching series to deepen understanding of Scripture and theology, perfect for personal or group study.
  • Integration with Logos Bible Software: Seamlessly connects with the Logos ecosystem, allowing users to enhance their Bible study experience with additional tools and insights.
  • Diverse Content Library: Includes a variety of content such as apologetics, church history, and family-friendly programming, catering to a wide range of interests and age groups.

Faithlife TV is a decent choice for Bible study resources and family-friendly programming. Some content may be out of the scope of the Biblical and Reformed community so discretion is strongly advised.


Each of these Christian streaming services are valuable in their own respect. While we highly recommend each of these options, Bonafice Media stands out for its unique combination of rich theological content and clean entertainment. Its commitment to Biblical theology and non-woke content makes it the ultimate platform for Christians seeking to glorify God in their media consumption.





17th Century 70 A.D. AGTV Abandonment Academics Actions Adam Adoption All-Powerful Almighty God Androgyny Angels Animosity Answers TV Antinomianism Anxiety Apologia Studios Aseity Assurance Atonement Attributes of God Attrition Augustine of Hippo Authority Awe Baptism Batman Belief Benevolence Betrayal Bible Reading Bible School Bible Study Bigfoot Bitterness Blame Blandina Bonafice Media Bookish Bravery Business Busyness C.S. Lewis Calvinism Camaraderie Canon Plus Catechism Ceremonial Law Challenges Change Chants Chaos Characteristics of God Character Charlatans Charles Spurgeon Children Choice Chords Chrisitan Living Christian Content Christian Entertainment Christian Manhood Christian Movies Christian Resources Christian Streaming Christian Virtue Christian Walk Christology Church Officer Circumstances Civil Law Clash of the Titans Claude Ramsey Clefs Colossae Colossian Opponents Commandments Commentary Communion Composers Confession Contentment Conversion Conviction Coram Deo Corporate Worship Creation Cryogenics Culture Death Decree Defamation Dementia Demons Dependance Desire Devastation Diligence Disagreement Discernment Discipleship Discipline Disobedience Doctrines of Grace Doctrine Dreams Drudgery Ecclesiology Education Elect Embryo Grading Emotionalism Encouragement Endor English Puritanism Entrepreneurship Ephesians Eternaliy Ethnomusicology Eugenics Eusebius Evangelicalism Evangelism Evangelist Evil Exhortation Expectations Experiential Christianity Fables Failure Fairy Tales Faith Driven Content Faith-Based Media Faithfulness Faithlessness Faithlife TV Faith False Teachers Familial Relationships Families Family Dynamics Family Friendly Streaming Family Worship Famine Farming Fasting Fear Fellowship Femininity Fertilization Fervor Five Points Forgiveness Form Foster Care Free Will Function Fuxs Counterpoint G3 Plus Gatherings Gathering Gender Distinction Gender Equality Gentiles Gentleness George Whitefield Ghosts Giants Glory God's Presence Goodness of God Goodness Good Gospel Mission Gospel Grace Grassroots Gratitude Greek Mythology Grief Happiness Hardship Help Herodotus Heroes of Renown Heroes Historical Theology History Holiness of God Holiness Homemaking Homeschooling Homesteading Honor Your Parents Hope Human Trafficking Humility Humphrey Bogart Hypocrisy Hypocrites IVF Identity Idolatry Immutability In Vitro Fertilization Incan Empire Inheritance Intellectualism Israel James White James Jason and the Argonauts Jerusalem Jews John Calvin John Frame John Knox Joy Judaism Jude Judges Judging Justification Kids Knowledge Law Laziness Learning Legalism Legend Letter to the Colossians Life Light Liturgy Local Church Loor TV Love Luke Bryan Malak Marcus Aurelius Marriage Martyrdom Masculinity Matthew Henry Meditation Memory. Mercy Minds Ministry Support Molech Monergism Money Monotony Moral Law Morality Mosaic Law Mothman Motivation Music Theory Musical Education Musical Notation Musicology Music Mystery Mysticism Myth Nations Nature of God Neglect Nephilim Nervousness New Covenant Nick Needham Nominal Christianity Notes Obedience Old Covenant Old Testament Omnipotence Omnipresence Omniscience Online Order Orthodox Jew Pain Parents Pastor Appreciation Pastoral Support Pastor Paul The Apostle Paul Washer Paul Peace Pentateuch Persecution Perseverance Plagiarism Politics Pornography Power of God Power Praise Prayer Praying Preacher Preaching Preparation Pride Priest Privilege Prophesy Prophets Providence Psalms Pulpit Ministry Punishment Purification Purity Purpose Qualification Questions Quick Wit Reality Shows Recommended Reading Reconciliation Redemption Reflection Reformed Books Reformed Evangelism Regeneration Regulative Principle Religion Rememberance Repentance Responsibility Rest Revelation Reverence Revival Reward Rhetoric Richard Baxter Riches Righteousness Roman Empire Romans Rome Sabbath Sacrifice Sacrificial System Saints Salvation Sanctification Sarcasm Satisfaction Self-Control Self-Discipline Self-Examination Self-Presentation Sermon Preparation Serpent Service Sex Selection Shame ShatteredHopes Sickness Sinbad Sin Social Media Songs Sovereignty Speech Spirits Spiritual Development Spiritual Warfare Spirit Staves Stewardship Story Stream With Faith Strength of Youth Strength Struggles Study Group Study Style Suffering Sundays Supernatural Supplication Surrender Teacher Teaching Teleology Temporal Temptations Temptation Thankfulness The Bible The Great Commission The Holy Scriptures The Joker The Local Church The Lords Supper The Lyons Region The Sons of Korah The Word of God Theology Theopolis Institute Thomas Brooks Thorpe Tim Challies Torah Total Depravity Tradition Transcendence Trembling Trials Tribulations Trinity Triune God Trouble Trust Truth Tulip Turner Classic Movies Tyre UFO Unchanging Understanding Unexplained Unseen Realm Verse By Verse Villians Virtue WG Universe Wailing Warning War Weakness Wealth Weeping Western Music Westminster Confession Wisdom Witch Wonder Words Worldview Worship Youngsters family bible reading hypocrasy