Grace & Truth Articles

There is gross tendency amongst most of nominal Christianity where people assume that Sundays and Wednesdays are special times of the week we devote to worship and the rest of the week is not a concern in the matters of worship to the Most High God and Jesus Christ, Sovereign King and Lord over all of heaven and earth. The truth is that worship should permeate every facet of our lives as believers. Everything we say, do, and think should be saturated with worship as we keep close watch over our lives and doctrine presenting ourselves as living sacrifices unto the one true God and Jesus Christ who He sent to live the life we could not live, die the death we deserve, and be raised to life so that we may walk in newness of life. There is a common mantra out there among genuine believers in these modern times that shouts “All Of Christ For All Of  Life” from the mountaintops and we equally shout another like it: “May His Kingdom Ever Increase On Earth As It Is In Heaven”. Our aim is to provide rich and robust theological content for the edification of the local church. We hope you are blessed by our content and pray the Lord Jesus Christ will grow you in the knowledge and understanding of His Will through His Word by His Spirit.

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